I’m in the process of dusting off the ole blog here so excuse the mess if you find anything wonky – it’s a work in progress. A couple months ago I started working at Maintainn, a division of WebDevStu...
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Managing Online Forums
My friend Patrick, whom you probably know from phpBBHacks.com, just announced the launch of his latest project, ManagingCommunities.com. The site targets anyone who runs an online community, though I...
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MySQL Search and Replace
I had to update a link for a client today and most of their content is database driven. This makes it easy to do quick searches and even search and replace. Most databases support this and the syntax...
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Quick vi tip: Show Hidden Characters
I do a lot of development in linux/unix. In fact, that’s where all my development is, but I spend a fair amount of time in the “CLI” or command line interface. I use putty and ssh in to edit files and...
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MySQL Disaster Recovery
Today I was doing some database work for a client and I had to delete some recent entries from a database. Like a moron, I forgot to add a “where” close and emptied the entire thing!
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