Laravel Filament Tutorial – Customize Login to use LDAP
Customizing Filament’s Login to use LDAP This is a quick rough draft post for how to override the default Filament login and use your own to login with LDAP. Tested With: Notes: I’m using the director...
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This is a draft post! This content has not been properly
reviewed/vetted. Read the full
Take Your Time Getting Healthy – it’s worth it.
My bloodwork results were mailed yesterday so they could be here as early as today but maybe tomorrow. I know it’s weird but I’m so excited to see just how much I improved. This one was a big jump, so...
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I have severe ADHD. What the hell do I do now?
I recently hit an age milestone that makes you think a lot about your life. Some of you may recall I had a heart attack. That also gets you thinking. I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child and again in...
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Example of how I learn using ChatGPT using an idea from Caleb Porzio, the creator of Livewire and Alpine.js
Caleb post a cool idea about date filters in Laravel. I wasn’t sure the best way to do that with the frame work. I’ve used the framework quite a bit but I’m still learning the nuances of how to extend...
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Reflections: My Time at WebDevStudios
I’ve been spending the end of this year thinking back on the past to sort of get it out and be done with it. I’m going to be laser focused on the future in 2023 but I wanted to wrap up 2022 with some...
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Heart & Health Update 2022
ALL FUCKING GOOD! It’s been almost exactly 3 yers since my brush with the Widow Maker and I’ve been reflecting a log this year on life, goals and health. During May and June I had my yearly bloodwork,...
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App Development
Building My First App
I’ve been toying with the idea of building an app for quite a while. I’ve dabbled in various parts of it for projects over the years and I generally know how it all fits together. But I’m not a front...
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New Year – New Job!
It seems like I only blog when I have big changes. I really need to work on that. But today I’m writing here again because I have a big change. Today is my last day at my current job working on Blue S...
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Just Deal With it
I’m not sure I have a point with this blog post but just really wanting to acknowledge some things to remind myself that everything I’m experiencing is normal. Erin and I have had a rough time for mos...
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Where ever you go, there you are [Stoicism]
The Best Retreat Is In Here, Not Out There People seek retreats for themselves in the country, by the sea, or in the mountains. You are very much in the habit of yearning for those same things.
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