Hi 🤟 I'm
Chrispian Burks

I am a software engineer, writer, and creator. I write about software development, productivity, and life. I am passionate about learning and sharing knowledge. I am always looking for new opportunities to grow and learn.

Want to know about who I am and what I do? Then head over to my about me page for details.

App Development
Laravel Filament Tutorial – Customize Login to use LDAP
Customizing Filament’s Login to use LDAP This is a quick rough draft post for how to override the default Filament login and use your own to login with LDAP. Tested With: Notes: I’m using the director... [read more]
Take Your Time Getting Healthy – it’s worth it.
My bloodwork results were mailed yesterday so they could be here as early as today but maybe tomorrow. I know it’s weird but I’m so excited to see just how much I improved. This one was a big jump, so... [read more]
I have severe ADHD. What the hell do I do now?
I recently hit an age milestone that makes you think a lot about your life. Some of you may recall I had a heart attack. That also gets you thinking. I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child and again in... [read more]
Example of how I learn using ChatGPT using an idea from Caleb Porzio, the creator of Livewire and Alpine.js
Caleb post a cool idea about date filters in Laravel. I wasn’t sure the best way to do that with the frame work. I’ve used the framework quite a bit but I’m still learning the nuances of how to extend... [read more]