I’m in the process of dusting off the ole blog here so excuse the mess if you find anything wonky – it’s a work in progress. A couple months ago I started working at Maintainn, a division of WebDevStudios and while there are certainly challenges it’s been a ton of fun. I was pretty burned out at the old job. Just doing the same thing over and over again. My skills got dull and I really didn’t have the energy or desire to really learn or grow. I was the only developer and it just killed my will to do anything with it anymore.
At the new job there are lots of other developers and pretty much everyone is really into this stuff so it’s a different kind of energy. It’s helped rekindle my interest in all things web development, including getting back into blogging more regularly. I have some ideas for a post series or two. One of which will be “What have I done…”, which will be a series of posts of me writing about some of the cooler development projects I’ve done over the years. Mostly just to help me remember but also share some of the more interesting bits from the various projects.
I’ll definitely be covering web dev a lot but it’s going to remain just a personal blog. I’l be writing a bit about making stuff, photography, writing, leather work as well as random stuff about movies, music, etc.
I’m sticking with WordPress for the new version since that’s what I work on for a living now and I still love it. To help me learn more about how the tools we use at work I’m also building the site on the wd_s theme which is what we use for most of the client project at work so I want to know it inside and out. I still have a lot to learn about how to do it “the right way” – but I’m super happy with how it’s going so far.
I have some other sites ideas in the works as well, things I can really show off what I can do with WordPress and a little php, custom post types and Advanced Custom Fields and CSS. I’m loving getting up to speed in more modern design and coding standards and tools. I’ve come a long way in just two months. I’m excited to see where I’ll be in 6 and 12 months!
Update 11/12/18 So far the only issues with the new theme are some minor ones with mobile, mainly the hamburger nav. I’ll fix that this week.
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