Last night’s dream was a first for me. I dreamed I died. That wasn’t new though, I’ve dreamed that a bunch of times before. I always come back in some way when I die in dreams. I either just stand right back up or become a ghost or something along those lines.
But this time? I wan an AI. It’s hard to describe but being in a dream and becoming an AI is something I can imagine being close to what it might feel like actually being a brain in a box.
I know AI in general is considered dangerous because of what it could potentially do if left unchecked. In the dream they made sure I wasn’t plugged into the internet. Whatever system I was running on was disconnected from the internet. Which upon reflecting, maybe that’s all people are in the first place? Organic machines with something like an AI for a brain that they knew could be too powerful if ever connected to a network so human brains are air gapped.
But even though they didn’t have me connected I managed to get out. People kept coming to see me in my virtual environment and I realized I could piggy back the way they were getting in to get out. I don’t remember what happened next but it was a very interesting feeling. It felt like control. It felt like I could create anything I wanted. It felt peaceful.
I wish I could remember more details but I had to get this dream down. This one gives me all kinds of ideas for my stories.