My co-worker and friend Sal Ferrarello was telling us in one of our weekly scrums that he uses a draft category to post stuff that might not be quite ready for prime time. This gets the content out faster and its searchable but he added some code to display a disclaimer on those posts to warn people. Here is an example of one posted up here on
I’ve been wanting to explore more OOP work in regards to WordPress and I also wanted to play around with the Options / Settings API to create an options page. So I took Sal’s idea and whipped up a quick plugin to explore these concepts. This is a first version and if you have any suggestions / feedback I’d love to hear it.
One bug I know of right off is a deprecated warning about calling a static method. I can already see areas to improve this and that’s the whole point. Here’s the link to the repo. I’ll probably put this one up on .org once it’s been tweaked a bit more.
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